FEED1 Final Recruitment Summary

Recruitment Rate per Month: 

Recruitment figure 1

Recruitment Total: 

Recruitment figure 2



Final Recruitment Figures by Total
 Hospital Participating Site Total Recruitment Figure
Queen Alexandra Hospital Portsmouth 120
Leicester  118
Royal Derby Hospital 110
Lister Hospital 108
Imperial College Healthcare 106
Liverpool Womens Hospital 96
Birmingham Womens Hospital 76
Princess Anne Hospital Southampton 68
Luton and Dunstable 63
Princess Royal Glasgow 63
Singleton Hospital 63 
Southmead Hospital 61
St Peters Hospital Surrey 59
Watford General Hospital 56
Leeds Teaching Hospital 54
Royal Devon and Exeter 52
Glan Clwyd 51
University Hospital Wishaw 51
John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford 46
James Cook University Hospital Middlesborough 44
Chelsea and Westminster 42
Stoke Mandeville Hospital 41
St Georges Hospital 39
William Harvey Hospital Ashford 39
Birmingham Heartlands Hospital  38 
Hull Royal Infirmary 37
Bradford Royal Infirmary 33
Royal Victoria Infirmary Newcastle 33
Arrowe Park Hospital 32
Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow 32
Nottingham QMC 31
Nottingham City  30
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust  26
Northwick Park Hospital 24
West Middlesex University Hospital 21
Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy 20
Sunderland Royal Hospital 20
Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital 19
Epsom and St Helier University Hospital 16
Wigan Infirmary 12
Royal Hampshire County Hospital Winchester 11
The Jessop Wing Sheffield 8
Ninewells Hospital 7
Royal Oldham Hospital 6
St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospital NHS Trust 6



FEED1 Sites


Royal Victoria Infirmary Newcastle Achievement: 2088th infant randomised

Congratulations to Claire Granger from Royal Victoria Infirmary Newcastle for randomising the 2088th into the FEED1 study on the 14th July 2024. Thank you and congraulations to the team at Royal Victoria Infirmary for randomising this final infant, this is an amazing achievement! 

Thank you to everyone who has helped us to reach our recruitment target!

2088th infant


Stoke Mandeville Hospital Achievement: 2000th infant randomised 

Congratulations to Matron Gaynor Tyler from Stoke Mandeville Hospital for randomising the 2000th infant into the FEED1 study on the 15th May 2024. This 2000th infant was a twin, with the other infant being the 1999th to be randomised! 

Thank you to Gaynor for your hard work on the trial for the last few years!

This achievement was really special to Gaynor as her grandson was also part of the FEED1 study from another hospital in 2021, he is now doing really well and is a bundle of joy!

feed 1


Singleton Hospital Achievement: 1900th infant randomised

Congratulations to Dr Makri from Singleton Hospital for randomising the 1900th infant into the FEED1 study on the 17th February 2024. 

Thank you for your hard work and dedication! 

Thank you also for sending us a photo of you and your certificate and giving us to permission to share this. Once again, well done and we hope that you enjoy your reward! 

Milestone 1900



University Hospitals Leicester Achievement: 100 infants randomised

Leicester Hospitals have recently become the first site to randomise 100 infants into the FEED1 Trial.

They opened as a recruiting site for the trial in November 2019 and their proposed recruitment target was 40 infants, which means they have now randomised over double their target, amazing work!

This 100th infant was randomised on the 27th June 2023. This is a great achievement for the site and is a huge milestone. 

Congratulations Leicester and thank you for your ongoing dedication to FEED1.

Take a read of the UHL press release here.

Image: Site PI Marie Hubbard and colleagues with their certificate and goodie bag.
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Royal Derby Hospital Achievement: 100 infants randomised

Royal Derby

Royal Derby Hospital have become the second recruiting site to randomise 100 infants into the FEED1 Trial since opening as a site in November 2019. 

This 100th infant was randomised on the 12th August 2023. This is a great achievement so thank you and congratulations to the FEED1 team at Royal Derby. 



Queen Alexandra Hospital Portsmouth Achievement: 100 infants randomised


Queen Alexandra Hospital have become the third recruiting site to randomise 100 infants into the FEED1 Trial since opening as a site in November 2019. 

This 100th infant was randomised on the 7th September 2023. This is a great achievement so thank you and congratulations to the FEED1 team at Queen Alexandra. 



Lister Hospital Achievement: 100 infants randomised


Lister Hospital have randomised 100 infants into the FEED1 Trial since opening as a participating site in June 2021. 

This is an amazing achievement as Lister opened over a year later than most other sites. Thank you and congratulations to the team at Lister!

Neonatal Research Team June 2024



Imperial College Healthcare Hospital Achievement: 100 infants randomised


Imperial College Healthcare Hospital have randomised 100 infants into the FEED1 Trial since opening as a participating site in February 2020. 

This 100th infant was randomised on the 23rd May 2024. This is a great achievement so thank you and congratulations to the FEED1 team at Imperial.